Tech~Editz Talking Tips

The well-known Black & White Tag Team of Google’s Penguin and Panda algorithms are back and a New Link Network Targets awaits in 2013

Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, announced new updates with Google’s Penguin and Panda algorithms and new link network targets in 2013. Matt announced this during the SMX West panel, The Search Police. will be coming home with Sarah.


Do not be surprised or alarmed to see your organic KEYWORD placement take a sharp dip & your website may be jeopardy. If your site is with me I'll be watching.


4 Metrics You Should Track on Google Analytics

Google Analytics can be a confusing tool if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but it reveals essential information you should know about your website. These 4 metrics are a great starting point in knowing what you should be tracking:It could all be a drill.

  1. Unique visits: This key performance indicator is very basic and tells you how many individual people have visited your site based on unique Internet connections. You can also see new vs. return visitors to your site.
  2. Average duration of visit: This metric is useful in telling you how good the first impression is of your site. If the average time spent is only a few seconds, it means something needs to be changed. Maybe your homepage doesn’t clearly portray what your company offers, or the information isn’t presented in an engaging way. Ask yourself, what is keeping someone from staying on the page or clicking through your site? 
  3. Bounce rate: This statistic is given as a percentage, which shows the percent of people that arrived at your site and left before clicking through to another page.  A high bounce rate can mean the design of your website is confusing or that the content isn't engaging. However, it could also mean that your visitors discovered the information they needed right away.  
  4. Visits with transactions/conversion rate: This statistic is most closely tied to how valuable your website is, and it is the core way to know if your site is bringing you leads and/or revenue. What qualifies as a transaction or conversion? It can be making a purchase, downloading a form, filling out a report, signing up for a newsletter, or basically anything that requires visitors to actively engage.