Tech~Editz Talking Tips

Who is managing your online marketing campaign?

Online Reputation Manager:

I have been working with a variety of different companies as their online media manager for a several years now. Through constant analysis, hours and hours of research, and much trial and error on my own, I feel pretty confident that I am a) acting in the best interest of my clients and b) I understand as well as anyone what works and what doesn't.
I think one of the most important things to consider isn't SHOULD YOU , but WHO SHOULD. Sun Microsystems have their blogging come from the CEO's office. Other large companies like IBM, have multiple employees in different areas of the company blogging about their part of the business. Not that big? Me either. But these two examples demonstrate the point that this this isn't a job to be delegated to whoever. An all ready overworked receptionist that Tweets about her pedicures at lunch probably isn't the answer. Successful social media management takes planning, analysis, good communications skills and the ability to speak for the company. Remember once its on the web...its forever on the web.
Sometimes using an outside source can be the most effective avenue. A skilled online marketing manager already knows how to position you, can speak to your marketing goals, doesn't overburden your workforce, and already understands the rules of the game. If you are not going to use an internal employee to manage your social networking pick your marketer with care. They will be the voice of your company representing you online.

Here's a few questions to ask your potential Online Reputation Manager:

  • Do they understand your business objectives, marketing goals and target market? 
  • Can they speak in your voice? Do you feel comfortable with them representing you?
  • Do they have experience posting and optimizing a campaign through ongoing analysis
  • Are they working with anyone else in your industry in your area? (possible conflict of interest)
Please feel free to share your thoughts on this subject.

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