Happy 2013 dear friends,
Did you guess that Videos are King, if so, you would be correct! I hope you are all ready for an exciting year. It has been awhile since I shared any Social Media Marketing Trends with you, so I thought I would send you some data regarding the importance of incorporating video into your marketing plan this year.Did you know monthly video viewership grew by 330% between 2008 and 2012!
Have you found yourself watching a 'How To" video to assembly something instead of trying to understand the instructions that come in 6 different languages none of which make any sense? Have you thought about how this effects your customers expectations? I have! If you want to learn more about how this applies to you and your business give me a call and we can get into it in greater detail if you like.But it’s not just that video is big right now; it’s that it’s getting bigger!
Earlier this year, Social Media Examiner reported that video was the number one area where marketers planned to increase their investments for 2012. As a result, online video usage rose 12% amongst B2B content marketers, according to a recent Content Marketing Institute (CMI) survey.Want more proof? Here are five statistics about online video marketing you should know
1. Over 85% of the country’s internet users viewed online video content in September 2012 alone.2. About 46% of people say they’d be more likely to seek out information about a product or service after seeing it in an online video.
3. Video is now the sixth most popular content marketing tactic, as 70% of B2B marketers use some form of online video with their overall strategies.
4. YouTube averages 4 billion hits each day and 61% of B2B marketers leverage YouTube to extend the reach of their messaging and brands.
5. On average, mobile viewers watch videos that are three times longer those on PCs and laptops, and the number of mobile viewers are expected to reach over 54 million by the end of 2012.
One more stat I had to share: One in every five minutes spent online is spent on social networking sites
Feel free to share this information as you like and I look forward to working with you this year.
Ellen Partal
Are you wondering who 2013's Queen of Online Marketing Campaigns is? Original Content.